ADAB offers the Work Wild programme in partnership with Myplace.
This Ecotherapy project is specially designed to support and engage BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and are furthest away from employment.
This programme is supported by Bury Council Children’s Services.
Work Wild, will develop personal, social and employability skills by providing a safe nurturing environment within local green spaces, where individuals will work as part of a small team. Following the 5 ways to Wellbeing, activities will be structured around aiding Nature’s Recovery and participants’ own recovery from the impact of Covid 19.
What Participants Achieve
As part of the journey, participants by regularly attending the programme will achieve
- a basic qualification accredited by AQA.
- Experiencing success
- improve resilience
- Build self-confidence
- Raise aspirations
The project will also provide the opportunity for participants to
- understand the environmental sector
- the variety of jobs within the sector
- discover the achievable pathways into green employment, where BAME employees are underrepresented.
Work Wild is exciting and innovative. This project is a first for Bury. It is an opportunity to evaluate how engagement with the natural world can motivate NEET BAME young people to develop employability skills in a real context that is outside of their usual employability pathways, at the same time as improving their physical and mental wellbeing.
ADAB has an established employability scheme which will also provide progression routes for this project’s participants. Alongside this, as part of a participant’s journey with the project, they will undertake a greenspace challenge which will develop general project management skills, applicable to any job.